Kevin Norvell, Web Project Manager
In 2012, the use of x86 virtualized servers increased by 13 percent, bringing the total percentage of x86 virtualized servers to 51 percent, according to ServerWatch. It’s no surprise. Businesses rely more on virtual servers because of major dedicated and shared server downsides. Dedicated servers have a reputation for being expensive, and shared servers deliver sub-par performance.
Virtual Private Servers
Virtual private servers (VPS) may be slightly more expensive than shared server hosting, but they provide many of the features of a dedicated server. For example, virtual server hosting uses software to create individual “servers” out of one system. Other websites hosted on the same server no longer affect your site, which is an advantage. For instance, your website won’t go down just because another site hosted on the same server is having a sale.
Website Management & Operating Systems
Is it possible to use VPS with or without paying for website management? Yes. If you already pay for a provider to manage your website, expect minor changes but with better performance. One possible change includes the ability to use customized software, such as security programs, because a VPS hosting package comes with complete root access.
VPS offers the ability to use any operating system for businesses that want to control Web management. Call this a big business boon if you are not comfortable in certain server environments. Many shared servers use Linux, but your VPS can use Windows as well.
Also, let go of concerns about the stability of a Windows OS for your server. PC Pro compiled statistics on Microsoft’s server division that show Windows OS making steady sales. Experts note that Windows Server 2012 has been upgraded in a number of ways — it’s a high-functioning software option. If you prefer a Linux-based OS, HowtoForge is a solid resource for learning how to do just about anything in Linux.
Flexibility & Adaptability
Ars Technica spotlights one of the most useful features of VPS — the ability to rapidly upscale and downscale your site on an as-needed basis. When additional traffic is expected on your site, or if it occurs unexpectedly, the power provided to your site can be rapidly increased. When the load decreases, the amount of power is scaled back. This process keeps your site up and running during busy times without having to pay for the increased power all of the time.
Right For You
Recognized for providing trouble-free hosting experiences, VPS are for businesses with modest-to-moderate needs. Larger businesses may need the power of an entire dedicated server, but do you? VPS serves as middle ground between paying for more than you need for a dedicated server and getting less than you want with a shared hosting service.